Name:Cheng Xiezhong
Title and Social Services:
·Professor of Law, supervisor of doctors, Law School of China University of Political Science and Law
·Deputy Director,Research Centerof Soft Law, Peking University Law School
·SecretaryGeneral,the Soft Law InstituteofChina behavior-lawAssociation
·Member,the Professional Committee on Government Regulation of the Chinese Academy of Administrative Law
·Researcher , Constitution and Administrative Law institution of Peking University
·Expert advisor,Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance
Contact Information:+86-13501374307
Education Background:
2016.1-2017.1, visiting scholar,Aix-MarseilleUniversity, France
2010.7, Doctor of Laws, Peking University Law School
2007.9-2008.8,joint PhD student,Aix-MarseilleUniversity, France
2006.7, Master of Laws, Peking University Law School
2003.7, Bachelor of Laws, Wuhan University School of law
Research Interests:
·Administrative Procedure
·Administrative Litigation
AdministrativeDecision-making, Rationality and New Administrative Law (Law Press2013).
1.China's Prospect of Illegal Inheritance of Administrative Acts,China Legal Science, No.3(2016)
2.Proportional Supervision in French Administrative Law, Law and Economy, No.5(2017)
3.Scientific Basis, Peer Review and Judicial Review,Administrative Law Review,No.3(2016)
4.The Theory of Balance of Administrative Law: Functions, Challenges and Transcendence,Tsinghua University Law Journal, No. 1(2015)
5.Peer Review and Administrative Rule of Law - Taking the System of Genetically Modified Safety Assessment as an Example, Zhejiang Academic Journal,No. 6(2015)
6.The Practical Effect and Normative Significance of State Ownership of Urban Land,SJTU LawReview, No. 2(2015)
7.Administrative Due Procedure Guided by Scientific Rationality,Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law, No.5(2013)
8.Peer Review in American Regulatory Decision-making, Global LawReview, No.1(2014)
9.Disposal of Administrative and Civil Cross-dispute,Journal of National Prosecutors College, No.6(2014)
10.Administrative Procedure with Public Hearing as the Core,Journal of National Prosecutors College, No.3(2013)
11.Ideal and Reality of Public Hearing, Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.3(2012)
12.Science and Democracy in Decision-making in Risk Society,Legal Forum, No.1(2013)
·the Excellent Award for Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Scientific Research Achievements,Beijing Academy of Social Sciences(2013—2016)
·Third Prize for Excellent Scientific Research Achievements,Beijing Academy of Social Sciences(2012)
·Second Prize for Excellent Scientific Research Achievements,Beijing Academy of Social Sciences(2014)